Georg Jordan GmbH

Established in 1950 Georg Jordan originally manufactured medium and low voltage insulators from porcelain but just a few years later Jordan became one of the first companies to offer insulators made from epoxy resin.

Offering outstanding characteristics like less weight, better mechanical behaviour and faster and cheaper production. Nowadays Jordan also offer capacitive voltage detecting systems , short-circuit indicators and voltage measuring systems.



Georg Jordan GmbH of Germany manufacture indoor insulators and bushings from aliphatic epoxy resins, and outdoor insulators and bushings made from cycloaliphatic epoxy resin.

Outdoor Insulators

Insulators for outdoor use - FSG, 1 - 52 kV.

Insulators for outdoor use

Draw lead bushings - outdoor-indoor use.

Bolt bushings - FDGB 12, 24 and 36 kV
Bolt bushings - FDG 12, 24 and 36 kV
Draw lead bushings - FDIG 12 and 24 kV
Bolt bushings - FFGB 36 kV

Draw lead bushings

Draw lead bushing - accessories

Busbar holders of EPDM and aluminium.

Draw lead bushing - accessories

Indoor Insulators

Standoff insulators for indoor use

Cylindrical insulators, with and without hexagonal profile.
Low voltage from 0.3 up to 3.6 kV

Standoff insulators

MV insulators - for indoor use

Cylindrical and conical ribbed insulators.
Type - RSG 10 - 110
Medium Voltage from 12 up to 123 kV

MV insulators

MV bushings - for indoor use.

Bolt bushings, type - RDGB
Medium Voltage 12, 24 and 36 kV

Draw lead bushings, type - RDIG
Medium voltage 12, 24, 36 and 52 kV

MV bushings

Passing insulators for busbars for indoor use

Screw type bushings, type SD.
Low and medium voltage from 1 up to 36 kV

Press bushings, type KD.
Medium voltage from 12 up to 36 kV

Passing insulators for busbars

Draw lead bushings - accessories

Busbar holders of EPDM and aluminium.
For bushing types: SD 1 - 30, KD 10 - 30, RDIG 10 - 45

Draw lead bushings - accessories

Measuring and testing devices

Capacitive insulators.
12, 24, and 36 kV

Capacitive coupling electrodes.
KKE 12 und 24 kV

Measuring and testing devices

Measuring and testing devices

HR and LRM three phase interface.

KSP capacitive voltage detector and interface tester.

DSP HR and DLC HR continuous voltage indicator

Measuring and testing devices

Measuring and testing devices

Capacitive voltage detection system.

Capacitive voltage detection system.

Project planning.

Measuring and testing devices

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For expert advice please call: 01608 662295

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